House Evans is a family of highly skilled craftsmen who have made significant contributions to the growth and development of the Ape Society for many generations. They specialize in a range of disciplines, including masonry, carpentry, and metalworking. House Evans’ natural affinity for urban architecture and the construction thereof has made them one of the most respected families in the city.
The Evans family crest features six sections, each symbolizing a different aspect of the family's identity. Two sections on the crest depict six building blocks which represent the family's respective areas of expertise in masonry and carpentry. The gold lion rampant represents courage and strength, while the black lion represents the family's fierce determination to succeed. The three stars at the bottom of the crest signify the family's aspirations and determination, complementing their contribution to the city's military inventory, which is displayed with the knight’s helmet on top of the crest.
The family's history can be traced back to the early days of the Ape Society when they joined forces with the de'Medici nobles to help design and build the city's magnificent districts. Over time, the family's reputation for craftsmanship and attention to detail grew. Today, they continue to play a vital role within the city's infrastructure related industries, their contributions to its growth and development are immeasurable.